Registration Open
The PAIP Facilitator Training provides individuals with the essential skills and tools necessary to facilitate partner abuse intervention groups, reviews the Illinois Partner Abuse Protocol and teaches best practices for group co-facilitation. This 20-Hour training will be held:
Sarah’s Inn
309 Harrison St., Oak Park, IL 60304
August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2018, 9am – 5pm
Cost: $125 *Includes materials, (*lunch on your own)
To register, go to
Social Work, ICDVP, and CPAIP CEUs are available.
Sarah’s Inn is a certified training provider for the 20-Hour PAIP Facilitator Training through the Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals Board.
For more information, contact Colleen Sutkus, Director of Training & Education,
at (708) 386-3305 x 1026 or via email at